August 2018 Update

Classes are about to start at UConn, so here’s an update.

  • I had a great sabbatical based at Radboud University in Nijmegen – many thanks to colleagues there and around Europe who welcomed me. I still can’t believe I gave 18 talks in 6 months.
  • I’ll be teaching Ling 5110 (graduate course on Language Acquisition) and 2010Q-Honors (undergraduate course on the Science of Linguistics) this Fall.
  • The public view of ASL Signbank is now working … hooray! Check it out at Cheers to Julie Hochgesang and her crew for populating it and to Onno Crasborn and his crew for the technology – not to mention the great SLLA Lab workers and their fearless leader Lee Prunier.
  • Thanks to Deanna Gagne and Ronice Quadros for leading data collection for our Coda project – analysis underway!
  • I will be working on updating the publications and presentations pages of this site with recent output.

A few exciting things coming up that I will post about as the time comes.