
NOTE: I will be adding links for handouts (slides, posters) and in some cases video links, as well as working back to add older presentations. Work in progress!


Lillo-Martin, Diane (2020). Sign language acquisition and linguistic theory. Invited presentation; ABRALIN ao Vivo; online; May 2020.

Video here:

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2019). Implications of early and late language. Conference for SLPs who use ASL. Bordentown, NJ; November 2019. NOTE: This pdf contains all the slides including the many that I skipped over! Lillo-Martin_NJ_191101


Hochgesang, Julie, Catt, Donovan, Chen Pichler, Deborah, Goodwin, Corina, Kennedy, Carmelina, Prunier, Lee, Simons, Doreen & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2019). Sign Language Acquisition, Annotation, Archiving and Sharing: The SLAAASh Project Status Report. Poster presentation, Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR) 13; Hamburg, Germany; September 2019. 190913_TISLR13poster_SLAAAShhandout.pdf


Lillo-Martin, Diane & Chen Pichler, Deborah (2019). ASL Pronoun Acquisition: Implications for Pronominal Theory. Poster presentation, Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR) 13; Hamburg, Germany; September 2019. TISLR_Poster_Pronouns_handout.pdf


Chen Pichler, Deborah, Gagne, Deanna & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2019). Parents partnering with language researchers. American Society for Deaf Children Conference; Newark, Delaware; June 2019. ASDC-2019_Presentation.pdf

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2019). Raised signing: Heritage language effects. Invited presentation, Eleventh Heritage Language Research Institute; Albuqueruqe, NM; June 2019. NHLC 2019 Presentation.pdf

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2019). Tap your Head and Rub your Tummy: How Complex can Simultaneous Production of Two Languages Get? Invited Plenary, Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting. New York, NY; January 2019.

Video here:


Goodwin, Corina, Prunier, Lee & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2018). Parental sign input to Deaf children of Deaf parents: Vocabulary and syntax. Poster presentation, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD). Boston, MA; November 2018. BUCLD_2018_Input_Poster

Lillo-Martin, Diane & Chen Pichler, Deborah (2018). Development of pointing signs in ASL and implications for their analysis. Poster presentation, Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD). Boston, MA; November 2018. BUCLD_2018_Pointing_Poster_Handout

Lillo-Martin, Diane & Chen Pichler, Deborah (2018). It’s not all ME, ME, ME: Revisiting the Acquisition of ASL Pronouns. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST); Ca ‘Foscari University, Venice; June 18, 2018. Slides

Chen Pichler, Deborah & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2018). Hearing parents and deaf children learning a sign language together. 4th International Congress on Family-Centered Early Intervention for Children who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing; Bad Ischl, Austria; June 15, 2018. Slides

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2018). L2 Sign Language Acquisition by Hearing Parents of Deaf Children: Attitudes and Experiences. Solicited outreach presentation, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Barcelona; May 18, 2018. Video below:



Lillo-Martin (2018). ZAS Presentation, April 2018. Slides

Lillo-Martin, Diane, Goodwin, Corina & Prunier, Lee (2017). ASL-IPSyn: A new measure of grammatical development. Poster to be presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD); Boston, MA; November 2017.

Quadros, Ronice Müller de & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Brazilian bimodal bilingual as heritage signers. Poster to be presented at the Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD); Boston, MA; November 2017.

Gökgöz, Kadir, Quadros, Ronice Müller de, Chen Pichler, Deborah & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Constraints on Code-Blending: Distributions of Pointing Subjects and Objects in Bimodal Bilingual Children. Presented at the conference on Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition (GALA) 13; Palma de Mallorca; September 2017. slides here

Hochgesang, Julie, Crasborn, Onno & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Building the ASL SignBank on the Shoulders of Giants. Poster presented at the Workshop on Corpus-based Approaches to Sign Language Linguistics: Into the second decade; 9th International Corpus Linguistics Conference; Birmingham, UK; July 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). SLAAASh Data. Workshop on American Sign Language Resources; LSA Summer Institute; University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; July 12, 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Acquisition of Sign Languages. Course, Linguistic Society of America Summer Institute; University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; July 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Natural Sign Language Acquisition by Deaf Children. Invited presentation, Workshop on Assessing A Deaf Child’s ASL; Gallaudet University; June 2017.

Quadros, Ronice Müller de, Davidson, Kathryn, Lillo-Martin, Diane & Emmorey, Karen (2017). Depicting Signs in Bimodal Bilingual Code Blending. Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Theory (FEAST); University of Iceland, Reykjavik; June 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017) Bimodal Bilingualism. Invited presentation, Encontro Estadual de Profissionais Tradutores e Intérpretes de Libras; São Paulo, Brazil; May 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane, Prunier, Lee, Hochgesang, Julie & Chen Pichler, Deborah. (2017). Sign Language Acquisition: Annotation, Archiving and Sharing – Status Report. Poster presented at the 8th UConn Language Fest; Storrs, CT; April 2017.

Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). American Sign Language Acquisition Corpus: The SLAAASh Project. Invited workshop, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC); Florianópolis, Brazil; April 2017.

Goodwin, Corina & Lillo-Martin, Diane (2017). Modality effects on English morpheme accuracy by Deaf and Hearing Bimodal Bilinguals; Linguistic Society of America Annual Meeting; Austin, TX; January 2017.